Working abroad: "I was a bit scared at first"

Interview | March 2022

Working in a global business like Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) means that when a new career opportunity comes your way, sometimes that can also be a great opportunity for personal change too – with an international relocation.

Two recent examples of those who took advantage of this are Florian Krampitz and Jan Prechtl, who relocated from roles in CEE to North America and France. Florian, from Hamburg, has been Director of Marine Claims in North America since September and is now based in Chicago. Jan has just moved from Zurich to Paris to become Regional Head of Entertainment for Mediterranean & Africa, Central & Eastern Europe and Ibero/LatAm.

We spoke to them about  tough decisions, new opportunities and adapting to new cultures.

Florian: Working abroad has somehow always appealed to me (since a year of study in England a long time ago) and I was very happy when the right opportunity presented itself. I wanted to get to know a new (working) culture and gain new experience overall.

Jan: The main reason was the job and the opportunity that came with it, which made me take this step. The choice between Munich and Paris as a place to work was very easy for me, and I say that even though I was originally born in Munich. I had already lived in Paris for a year during my education and the city hasn't let me go since.

Florian: The biggest challenge was making the decision itself - in my case, one that I didn't make for myself alone, but with my family and for my three little boys. Once that hurdle was cleared, the rest was mainly organization. 

Jan: Ditto! The decision to challenge yourself in this way again at the age of 41 and to take the step into a foreign country was the biggest obstacle. You always give up a lot, leave the city you like and the social environment you like very much.

Role: Director of Marine Claims in North America

Based: Chicago Joined: 2008

What do you like best about your new city? The great internationality with many cultures

Top tip in Chicago: North Avenue Beach

Top tip in Hamburg: Drinking coffee on the Schulterblatt in the Schanzenviertel district

Florian: The step itself was a career jump for me and the experience here already feels super valuable. We'll see how it goes from there. In any case, I am open to further "adventures".

Jan: The step was also a big career leap for me and was also what I had planned after my move from Euler Hermes to AGCS at the time. Gaining leadership experience and being able to work across several regions will enrich my wealth of experience enormously. I can’t  forget the language skills, as well especially French. When you start an international career, you never know where you'll end up, I think that's part of the appeal. You can always go back, at least that's what your friends and colleagues tell you...

Florian: To be honest, it wasn't a big issue when I moved to the US. Linguistically I felt well prepared. You then get to know the cultural differences here. Often, it's not fundamental things, but smaller things that become apparent at second glance. Americans have a more hands-on mentality and from the start, move quickly to make progress on a task. That’s different to Germany, and something I am adapting to. And besides, refrigerators are much bigger in North America.

Jan: Yes, I admit it openly, I was a bit scared at the beginning. I know Paris really well, but more as a tourist, on holiday. To live and work here, and then to lead people, that's a completely different pair of shoes. German-speaking Switzerland and France are very different in terms of working culture, I still have respect for that.

Role: Regional Head of Entertainment for Mediterranean & Africa, Central & Eastern Europe and Ibero/LatAm

Based: Paris Joined: 2017. With Euler Hermes, now Allianz Trade, since 2011

What do you like best about your new city? The culinary offer. The beautiful buildings. Crossing the Île Saint-Louis by bike in the evening.

Top tip in Zurich: The Lagotto delicatessen and the whole neighbourhood around it

Top tip in Paris: The Haut-Marais (HaMa) district

Florian: At the start, my wife wasn't enthusiastic, but she has has gotten used to the idea over time.

Jan: My plans were received very positively, especially the career move, of course. Paris is also not far and easy to reach by TGV. The anticipation of many friends for the upcoming visit here in the city of lights is accordingly great.

Florian: Very exciting. The learning curve in the first few months was very steep. As I said before, many things look the same on the surface, but at second glance you get to know special features and differences in mentality. I am very grateful for my team.

Florian: Absolutely.

Jan: Absolument.

Florian: At some point yes, but there is no fixed schedule.

Jan: Yes, I think I will return to Zurich. But there is no fixed schedule either.

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