A turning point for offshore wind

Report | September 2023

Summer temperatures reached record or near-record levels in Europe, the US and Asia this year amid a climate of instability that has ensured concerns about energy security remain high. With climate deadlines looming, the number of offshore wind installations is proliferating around the world as their potential to power the net-zero transition and bolster energy security is increasingly realized. With 8.8GW of new offshore wind capacity added to the grid last year, 2022 was the second highest year in history for offshore wind installations. Global installed offshore wind capacity at end 2022 reached 64.3GW, compared to just 5.4GW in 2012.

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) expects 380GW of offshore wind capacity to be added across 32 markets over the next 10 years (2023-2032). Nearly half of that growth is expected to come from the Asia Pacific region, followed by Europe (41%), North America (9%), and Latin America (1%). [1]

Around 2,000GW of installed offshore wind capacity will be needed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, a key target of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and achieve net zero by 2050. [2] 

As the climate crisis continues to intensify, the role of offshore wind and other renewable power sources in the world’s power mix becomes increasingly urgent. In this report, we explore the full potential of offshore wind, discuss the emerging risks that could accompany its development, and explore some of the challenges facing the industry as it strives for deployment on a global scale.

Anthony Vassallo,
Global Head of Natural Resources
Allianz Commercial

2023 has been an historic year for the Earth’s climate. July was the hottest recorded month in human history, and severe events, including wildfires blazing with ferocity and extreme flooding, have increasingly dominated the news as the devastating impacts are seen in Hawaii, Northern India, and São Paulo in Brazil. It has also been a pivotal moment for the energy transition, as the threat of climate change has loomed large, renewable energy usage has ramped up, geopolitical tensions continue, and governments have implemented far-reaching policies to reduce carbon emissions and diversify power sources.

Allianz is accelerating its activities to support the energy transition. We recently announced our first net-zero transition plan [3] with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions in our proprietary investment and Property & Casualty (P&C) underwriting portfolios by 2050. We are actively driving the transition towards renewable energy sources and have committed to achieving 150% profitable growth in revenues from renewables and low-carbon technology solutions in the commercial insurance segment by 2030 versus 2022. As an investor, Allianz is investing an additional €20bn in climate and clean-tech solutions, while within our own operations, we aim to be carbon-free by 2030.

Offshore wind will be integral to the energy transition, generating clean, renewable power in areas of the world’s oceans that have vast untapped potential. With long-standing experience in legacy offshore activities, Allianz Commercial has amassed engineering and underwriting expertise that we are now applying to offshore wind developments across the globe. We are committed to the sector’s expansion and supporting its development with significant underwriting and investment capacity, risk transfer solutions, and unlocking access to finance.

Allianz Commercial is insuring some of the most exciting offshore wind developments ever seen, projects that are breaking new ground in scale, ingenuity, and power potential. The insurance industry has a major role to play in supporting the growth of such trailblazing initiatives. Our underwriters and risk engineers are partnering with offshore wind clients to share their knowledge, exchange data, and develop bespoke insurance and risk consulting solutions. They collaborate continually to develop loss-control services that evolve with the sector’s fast-changing technologies – and a changing climate.

As well as providing insurance, Allianz has been investing in renewables since 2005, including Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) 1-4 wind farm in the Netherlands, which will produce enough energy to power over 1.5 million households, and the NeuConnect direct power link between Germany and the UK, a project for which we are also a lead insurer. We are keenly exploring promising ancillary innovations that are developing alongside offshore wind, such as green hydrogen and carbon-capture, and we are empowering innovation in the sector, with representation on the judging panel of the Energie Baden-Würtemburg (EnBW) and German Aerospace Center’s exciting Offshore Drone Challenge.

The Natural Resources team at Allianz Commercial is aware that generating returns for our shareholders calls for careful underwriting and a keen understanding of the exposures we are taking on. By partnering with a willing client base and exchanging knowledge between all stakeholders, including governments, institutions, and between nations, we can ensure the turbines of the offshore wind industry keep turning in a cleaner, greener future.

This report celebrates the great strides already made by the industry, explores the challenges it faces as it prepares for growth, and discusses the emerging risks and hazards that must be mitigated as offshore wind rolls out to new territories across the world.

The climate crisis, carbon deadlines and geopolitical instability have galvanized investment in global offshore wind, with international governments committing to rollout in regions far beyond the traditional North Sea hub of the industry. Last year, 8.8GW of new offshore wind capacity was added to the grid, making 2022 the second highest  year in history for offshore wind installations. Global offshore wind capacity at end 2022 reached 64.3GW with China, the UK and Germany acounting for 84% of offshore wind installations. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) expects 380GW of offshore wind capacity across 32 markets to be added over the next  10 years (2023-2032). 
More than 99% of total global offshore wind installation is in Europe and Asia Pacific, but the US  is investing heavily in the pipeline, directing federal funding to deploy 30GW of offshore wind by 2030 (enough to power 10 million homes), boosting the development of floating technologies, and supporting 77,000 jobs. China has overtaken Europe as the world’s biggest market, with half the world’s offshore wind installations in 2023 expected to be in the country. China’s operating offshore wind capacity has already reached 31.4GW – more than the whole of Europe’s. India has set a target of 37GW by 2030, with South Korea targeting 12GW and Japan 10GW by 2030. Fledgling offshore wind projects are also poised for significant growth in Australia and Brazil. 
The deployment of offshore wind at scale is an exciting prospect for the energy transition, potentially creating millions of jobs, but all is not plain sailing for developers and barriers remain. Spiraling costs have halted major wind projects in recent months and the industry is afflicted by inflation, capital expenses, rising interest rates and geopolitical instability. The costs of materials and vessel hire have risen with inflation and because of ever-larger wind turbines. Supply chain bottlenecks, lengthy permitting procedures, and delays to grid connections are also bringing pressure to bear. A global rollout of offshore wind will require the expansion of manufacturing footprint, port facilities, and infrastructure. Supply chain diversification is likely to become a priority to strengthen local supply chains and avoid overreliance on certain markets, particularly China, which currently produces around 60% of onshore and offshore nacelles (the heart of a turbine that houses key mechanical and electrical equipment) and dominates the supply of gearboxes, generators, castings, towers, and flanges.
Novel approaches to offshore electricity transmission seek to optimize economies of scale, including ‘energy islands’, which share power between grids and nations, and multi-purpose wind farms that produce green hydrogen or house battery storage facilities. 
Most offshore wind power at present is fixed-bottom and suitable for waters up to 60m (197 feet) deep. Given that 80% of offshore wind around the world blows over seawaters deeper than that and further away from shore, the rapid advance of floating wind technologies could open up access to vast expanses of deeper ocean with higher, more consistent, wind speeds away from the North Sea to the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and elsewhere. Countries beyond Europe are exploring the feasibility of floating offshore wind, including South Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Australia, as well as the US.
Photo: Principle Power

Both the energy sector and the insurance industry have considerable expertise when it comes to the perils of offshore wind activities. Although turbines are engineered to work within certain conditions, risks and challenges to the sector remain, including the known perils of the impact of hazardous marine environments and extreme weather. While the growth of offshore wind has been impressive, the rapid advance of technologies is introducing new risks across the supply chain. There is little technological maturity in new construction methods, operations, and turbines as well as a lack of real-world data concerning their use. This could affect the quality of installations if contractor expertise falls short.

The increasing size of wind turbines is perhaps the most striking change the industry has seen in recent years. In the last 20 years they have almost quadrupled in height, from around 70m/230ft to around 260m/853ft – nearly three times taller than the Statue of Liberty. Rotor diameters of wind turbines have increased fivefold in the past 30 years. This increasing size of turbines has introduced corresponding exposures, with larger components, machinery and vessels required for their installation. Faults in new technologies or manufacturing processes might take longer to come to light. The lack of standardization in floating offshore wind technologies could delay repairs or replacements as they require specific facilities, which are currently limited. In other respects, floating offshore wind turbines can reduce construction risk as they can be assembled in the relatively safe environment of a dry dock or near shore.

With the increasing size of wind farms comes a corresponding increase in cable length and complexity. Based on Allianz Commercial’s experience in one of its largest offshore wind insurance markets, Germany and Central Eastern Europe, 53% of offshore wind claims by value over six years related to cable damage or failure. From the loss of entire cables during transport to the bending of cables during installation, cable losses have incurred multi-million-dollar losses in offshore wind. The consequences of cable failure can be considerable, potentially putting a whole network of turbines out of commission.

Allianz Commercial’s experience of wind turbine losses, which accounted for 20% of offshore wind claims according to value over six years, shows the most common causes relate to rotor blades, main bearings, gearboxes and generators. As offshore wind expands around the world, particularly in the US and Asia, it will face new risks from harsh environments, natural catastrophe, and extreme weather events. This is likely to affect support vessels and ancillary activities more than turbines, potentially reducing the window of opportunity for installation and repairs.

The speed of the global rollout is creating supply-chain bottlenecks and placing pressure on infrastructure, the supply of materials and components, and the availability of vessels. Access to the right contractor expertise is also a potential challenge, with possible consequences for quality and workmanship.

A bigger fleet of specialist vessels will be required to support global deployment as most specialist vessels currently operate out of Europe. There is an urgent need to expand port facilities to accommodate the required increase in vessel numbers. Research indicates that $20bn of investment is needed globally to build 200 new ships if the renewables sector is to meet its 2030 targets for offshore wind. 

Sensitive development will be needed to mitigate the sector’s impacts on biodiversity and coastal communities, with demand for ocean space likely increasing fivefold by 2050. Businesses could also face exposures related to the mining of crucial minerals and metals, including concerns about human rights, emissions, and biodiversity. Project owners should have adequate levels of engagement with stakeholders and communities who may be affected.

Novel approaches such as 3D-printed reefs and offshore fish farms offer potential solutions to ESG concerns, while disruptive technologies are heralding a new age of drone usage in operations and maintenance. Prototype technologies are also challenging traditional turbine design, giving a glimpse of what could come on stream in the years to come.

Offshore wind farms are highly complex projects requiring many different areas of expertise. The lessons learned from past losses are essential for the industry to improve and continue to grow more sustainably. It is important the technology is understood and that the risks are assessed across the whole marine spread. Risk identification of any project should include installation methods, independent verification/certification processes, quality control, safety procedures, and structural health monitoring. Ultimately, interface management and communication between all the various project parties is a critical success factor.

China, the UK and Germany accounted for
of offshore wind installations at the end of 2022
of offshore wind capacity across 32 markets to be added over the next 10 years
As much as
of offshore wind losses by value can be attributed
to cable damage or failure
Over half of offshore wind losses by value are related to cable damages (inter-array cable, export cable and onshore cable) according to Allianz Commercial claims data across Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Wind turbine losses mostly relate to rotor blades, main bearings, gearboxes and generators. 
Source: Allianz Commercial
Based on 126 claims across Allianz Commercial’s offshore wind portfolio in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe from 2014 to 2020 and 100% claims amount.
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