Allianz Risk Barometer 2024 -
Rank 5: Macroeconomic developments

Expert risk article | January 2024
2024 could see the wild ups and downs of growth, inflation and interest rates that followed the Covid-19 shock settle down. However, elections bring the potential for further upheavals.
The most important corporate concerns for the year ahead, ranked by 3,069 risk management experts from 92 countries and territories.

In economic terms, 2023 had a few surprises in store, both positive and negative. In the US, the predicted recession never arrived as the economy proved to be surprisingly resilient in the face of rapidly rising interest rates. Consumers remained keen to spend, thanks to a robust labor market and pandemic-era savings (now used up). Fixed-rate mortgages shielded many households from rising rates (for now).

In China, on the contrary, the expected recovery following the reopening of the economy turned out to be surprisingly short-lived; structural weaknesses – above all, the precarious situation of the real estate market – quickly regained the upper hand and dampened sentiment. The other major economy that disappointed in 2023 was Germany – although this did not really come as a surprise. It was foreseeable that the industry-heavy German economy would not recover so quickly from the energy price shock. The rest of Europe, on the other hand, fared much better thanks to stronger service sectors.

  Ranking history globally:

  • 2023: 3 (25%)   
  • 2022: 10 (11%) 
  • 2021: 8 (13%)   
  • 2020: 10 (11%)
  • 2019: 13 (8%)   
  Top risk in:
  • Bulgaria
  • Cameroon
  • Ghana
  • Mauritius
  • Nigeria
  • Turkey

From today’s perspective, there is much to suggest that the signs are reversing, says Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist at Allianz. The US will weaken (possibly even slide into recession), while China should pick up again. In China’s favor is the fact that the central government has finally given up its restraint and is supporting the economy, especially the real estate market, more resolutely. And for the US, the old adage applies: postponed is not canceled. Higher interest rates eventually have a negative impact on demand and thus bring the economy to its knees, even if it took a little longer this time due to the special post-Covid circumstances.

Allianz Research expects only around 1% growth for the US in 2024, but 5% in China. And Europe? Here, too, growth will (further) slow due to higher interest rates. In Germany, the budget crisis puts the expected cyclical recovery in jeopardy. Therefore, growth in the major economies will remain well below 1%. Global growth is also likely to weaken: at a tad over 2%, it will undershoot the long-term average significantly.

“But this lackluster growth is a necessary evil: high inflation rates will finally be a thing of the past,” says Subran. “This will give central banks some room to maneuver – lower interest rates are likely in the second half of the year. Not a second too late, as stimulus cannot be expected from fiscal policy. After the excesses during the pandemic and the energy crisis, the threatening rise in debt is forcing consolidation almost everywhere.”

So, 2024 could become a year of transition, in which the wild ups and downs of growth, inflation and interest rates experienced since the Covid-19 shock settle down and pivot to more usual levels.

“A nice consolation. But completely uncertain. Because what really stands out in 2024 is the large number of elections and their potential for new upheavals,” says Subran. “First and foremost, of course, is the US election – which could end with a possible return of Donald Trump to the White House. Trump II is likely to be more disruptive than Trump I, for one simple reason: eight years later, the world is a different place, fragmented and torn apart by a multitude of conflicts and wars. An isolationist America is always bad news for the rest of the world (at least for the free one), but in times like these the risks are even greater than usual.”

Global business insolvencies expected to rise by +8% in 2024, according to Allianz Trade.

In 2024, global business insolvencies are set to record a third consecutive rise. After a small rebound in 2022 (+1%) and an acceleration in 2023 (+7%), insolvencies should jump by +8% this year. What’s behind this new increase?

The recession in corporate revenues is gaining traction amid lower pricing power and weaker global demand: in 2023, the revenue recession was broad-based across all regions for the first time since mid-2020. This combined with continued high costs is squeezing profitability. As a result, liquidity positions are worsening fast and are not likely to improve before 2025. 

Companies still have a sizable amount of excess cash: €3.4trn in the Eurozone and US$2.5trn in the US. But these cash buffers remain highly concentrated in the hands of large firms and in specific sectors such as tech and consumer discretionary. And in general, most companies are unable to increase their cash positions through operations in the context of lower-for-longer economic growth. 

The most vulnerable corporates and sectors are caught between a rock and a hard place, with hospitality, transportation and wholesale/retail on the front line. Other sectors are catching up fast, in particular construction, where backlogs of work have been almost completed – especially in the residential segment.

“At the same time, higher-for-longer interest rates are reducing demand in sectors such as real estate and durable goods, and will start pressuring solvency in highly indebted sectors, such as utilities and telecom, in addition to real estate, on both sides of the Atlantic,” explains Maxime Lemerle, Lead Analyst for Insolvency Research at Allianz Trade. “Moreover, global working capital requirements (WCR) currently stand at a record high of 86 days, more than +2 days above pre-pandemic levels. Higher interest rates also make it even more expensive for companies to finance structurally higher WCR, which poses risks for sectors such as construction and machinery and transport equipment.”

The normalization in business insolvencies has been completed in most advanced economies in 2023. The US (+47% in 2023), France (+36%), Netherlands (+59%), Japan (+35%) and South Korea (+41%) were on the front line. Globally, Allianz Trade estimates that three out of five countries will reach pre-pandemic business insolvency levels by the end of 2024. This includes many European countries such as Germany (+9% in 2024), Netherlands (+28%) and the US (+5%). In the US, business insolvencies are set to rise by +22% this year. On both sides of the Atlantic, GDP growth would need to double to stabilize insolvency figures, which will not occur before 2025.

“Moreover, in a context of slowing global economic growth, payment terms are likely to lengthen, adding to the rise in insolvencies in the coming quarters. Global Days Sales Outstanding already stand above 60 days for 47% of firms. One additional day of payment delay is equivalent to a financing gap of US$100bn in the US, US$90bn in the EU and US$140bn in China. With bank loans already drying up for smaller and mid-size companies (SMEs), closing this financing gap could be a significant challenge,” Lemerle concludes.

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